I'm evil. And I love it.
Two days ago I was enjoying the spring-like weather. Something about the crack in the death grip of winter always gives me a new found motivation to to leave my house and get shit done.
I was reading an article on cnn.com about how Vegas is practically giving away hotel rooms and the airlines are following suit in the cheapness.
Just for the hell of it I looked up what it would cost to sneak out there this weekend for a quick and dirty getaway and was severely disappointed to find that we'd have to fly out of Seattle or LA to get these supposed "great deals". Bah!
I mentioned to Jim that it would be fun to go somewhere this weekend. The girls have Monday off and we could send them to his parents' house and take off.
And that is when things took a turn for the crazy.
You see, Jim knows a guy who can get free passes to Disney World.
Totally joking Jim said, "We should go there for the weekend and not take the kids."
After we stopped laughing maniacally we gave it some serious thought.
I didn't think he would really call that guy and see if we could get the passes, but sure as shit Jim called me an hour after he got to work to tell me that we would have them in hand in a couple of days.
Jim knows someone else that works for a hotel chain that happens to have a property about 2 miles from the Magic Kindgdom and whattaya' know? We can get a room there for next to nothing!
It all came down to airfare which, after all was said and done, cost more than I like to pay but this was so last minute I really can't complain. Considering the deal we are getting on the rest of our stay, I just decided to suck it up and pull the trigger.
We're going to tell them that we are going to Chicago...which is true. We are flying out of O'Hare. We aren't even telling his parents where we are going just in case they slip. They know we are catching a flight, but that's it.
All photographic proof of this trip will be hidden in a safe deposit box until our children are old enough to be charged as adults for stabbing us in our sleep for leaving them home.
This whole thing happened so fast and it is seriously fucking with my Type A personality.
I'm pretty excited, not just because we really dig going to Disney World, but also to actually be getting away--just the two of us. We never ever do stuff like this, but here we are.
Happy (almost) Spring!
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For Your Scrapbook

- Bacon Lady
- I like stuff and things. I've been married for close to 14 years and have two miniature versions of myself running around (and it frightens me most of the time). I have never been nor will I ever be a vegetarian.

Do some Photoshop stuff and merge them into the pictures, and really fuck with their little minds. "No, you were there. See. Don't you remember?"
I'm not a nice person.
But my word verification is 'sparkey', so it's a good day.
Enjoy enjoy enjoy!
My bride and I just booked a last minute (relatively speaking, not as last minute as yours) trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras on the 23.
Here's to escaping CHicago winter.
Hells yeah! You got to get away without the rug rats from time to time. And besides, didn't they just go to Disney world last year?
Have fun! Good move not telling the parents so they won't spill the beans. Your kids would wear them down and they would eventually confess...
OMG! This is BRILLIANT! And Chicago is supposed to be kind of nasty this weekend (I live here too, so I know of what I speak).
This is my first trip to your blog, but between the trip to Disney without the kids and the vibrator story, I will DEFINITELY be back.
You are a woman after my own heart.
Be sure and go to the hotel in Adventure land. Have a lunch there as they will bring you as many free mikshakes as you can slurp.
Yeah those little munchkins already got theirs! Take some adult time!
You do know the whole plan was widely discussed on the radio and streamed on the internet, right? And is available in podcast form for free download??
ohmygod, this is so incredible! Am with you in spirit, doll!
This is so hilarious. Of course I'm going to blackmail you with this. If I can figure out a way to get to your kids.
Ok, that sounded creepier than I meant it to.
Oh! I love it. We don't have kids and my husband and I go to Disneyworld every couple of years and every time I have to convince him that it's OK that we didn't take any of our nieces or nephews with us.
You lucky bastards!!
I sent you a hug today over @ my place. Swing by, pick it up, and pass it on.
Did you fall off the Adventureland trail? You went to the happiest place on earth and never came back. Come back, please!
That's most prooo'bly why Isis is outta chop-your-head-off: you're sooo #@!! 'laissez-faire' about everything. Maybe this'll help you understand 1-outta-1 croaks and, Ta-Da! we have only 2 choices, dude, and 1 of 'em ain't too cool...
We influence you to a perfectly cognizant, fully-spectacular, Son-ripened-Heaven… yet, I’m not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like: meet this advanced, bombastic, ex-mortal Upstairs for the most extra-groovy-paradox, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué-passion you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-smmmokin’-hot-deal. Cya soon…
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