Saturday, February 10, 2007

Maybe it's because we're potty-training

I know it's really cheesy to write about your dreams, but part of last night's was so disturbing I just had to share.

Somehow I was in the middle of a old west-themed landscape. I think that I was supposed to be on a road trip, but I don't recall being very happy about it.
My youngest was back to being a newborn and I was trying to carry her around while climbing hills and wading through small streams.

At some point there was a giant toilet-like contraption in front of us and I accidentally dropped her into it. Somehow it flushed and the force of the swirling water sucked baby down down down...until just her head was poking out of the hole.

I couldn't get a good hold on her to pull her out because she was wet and slippery and the water pressure was too strong.

The last thing I saw was her face looking up at me, panicked. There was nothing I could do.

I woke up feeling nauseous.

Oddly enough, one of the Mister Roger's Neighborhoods I DVR'ed for the girls to watch today included a timely reminder.

You Can Never Go Down The Drain

© 1969 Fred M. Rogers

You can never go down
Can never go down
Can never go down the drain.
You can never go down
Can never go down
Can never go down the drain.

You're bigger than the water.
You're bigger than the soap.
You're much bigger than all the bubbles.
And bigger than your telescope

So you see...
You can never go down
Can never go down
Can never go down the drain.
You can never go down
Can never go down
Can never go down the drain.

The rain may go down
But you can't go down.
You're bigger than any bathroom drain.
You can never go down
Can never go down
You can never go down the drain.


Anonymous said...

Where was this song 21 years ago!!?! I could have used it..

Anonymous said...

I used to have a record with that song on it. hee hee.

For Your Scrapbook

My photo
I like stuff and things. I've been married for close to 14 years and have two miniature versions of myself running around (and it frightens me most of the time). I have never been nor will I ever be a vegetarian.