You've seen it, right? My life is starting to feel like that movie.
First they cancelled school on Wednesday, then Thursday, then today. And we already had Monday off.
I'm getting a leetle bit stir crazy being in the house this long.
We have been playing the Wii a LOT. The girls' favorite thing to do (beside Mario Party) is make Miis. We have like 4,000 of them now. Mina's have names like Puffy and Sprinkles and Cutie. Audrey can't spell yet so all of hers are named xczvm,k;l and bljpx;l. I think that's Czech, but I could be wrong.
The music has penetrated my soul at this point. The girls are starting to make up words to it.
I like those eyes no
make them bigger pleeeeeease
I don't like her hair no
make it lighter theeerrreee
stop kicking me in the head MOM!
Get off of me! I'm telling!
I'm thirsty Mom, please get us some juice
when is lunch
I am starved
Get your foot off of me
I am going to scream
She needs bigger eyebrows
and some freckles
make her short....
You get the gist.
Soon it's going to be like another movie around here.
The Shining.
Doesn't "The King" need some assistents down at the shop to sort some California Raison figurines while you take a bubble bath?
That's what I'm sayin...
All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl. All Wii and no play makes bacon Lady a dull girl.
Now you know why I never had kids.
I'm with you on this one. We've had the last 2 days off, so with Monday, "That's a 5 day weekend, Mom!"
Eat, bicker and bounce balls.
Eat, bicker and play X-box.
Eat, bicker and wrestle.
Eat, bicker and eat some more.
Eat, bicker and bicker.
That pretty much sums up the past 2 days around here. Please pass the wine. No, I don't need a glass. I'll just drink it straight out of the bottle. Thanks.
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